Email and Accounts
Usernames are normally handled by our Automated Userid System (AUTOIDS). AUTOIDS generates a username the morning after a new employee is entered into the HR PeopleSoft Database or into the Student Database.
Occasionally we can create an username manually at the request of the department or college. For employee usernames, a valid id number that is obtained from the PeopleSoft database is required before we can create an id. For student usernames, a valid id number taken from the student database is required. These requests can only be made by TSPs, College Consultants, Administrative Staff members of a particular college or department, or CCIT Staff.
Employee accounts are revoked upon the employee’s separation from the university. These accounts cannot be reactivated without department consent.
Student accounts are revoked 12 months after the students last semester of enrollment.
Passwords to your account(s) should be protected at all cost. Here are some simple tips to ensure your password cannot be hijacked by someone else:
- Use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. The more complicated the password, the harder it will be for someone to crack it.
- Use a password that only you would know and remember.
- Refrain from using common words for your password.
- Do not use the name of a family member or pet. This information can easily be obtained from a variety of sources.
- Do not give your password out to anyone.
- Detailed information on password security can be found on our Password Policy Page.
If you experience problems with your password, or have any questions, contact the Help Desk at or (864) 656-3494.
Google Workspace for Education
Newly enrolled students in Spring 2024 will no longer be assigned Gmail accounts due to changes to unlimited storage for Google Workspace for Education accounts. Instead, students will receive Outlook accounts with email addresses rather than Students will have access to their Google Workspace for Education accounts to use applications like Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Slides.
Google Sites is a free tool available to Clemson students and employees for building internal project hubs and team websites. Google Sites does not meet brand or accessibility guidelines required for external- and public-facing webpages, therefore it should not be used for anything other than internal sites or pages. Public-facing departmental websites are maintained on the University Content Management System. If a department, division or unit requires a new external- or public-facing website, please fill out a request form with the University Relations web team.
*All other Google services are turned off for legal reasons*
As part of the Google arrangement, Clemson employees may also take advantage of Google Workspace. CCIT recommends and supports Outlook as the institution’s primary email service.
To access your Clemson Google Workspace, simply use your ‘’ and password. Detailed instructions can be found here.
Terms of Service
If you choose to use Google Workspace, and especially if you choose to use Google Workspace as your primary messaging and calendaring service, please keep the following in mind:
- Google Workspace is hosted and supported by Google. Very limited support is available through CCIT.
- All data will be stored by Google and CCIT will be unable to access and/or restore deleted data.
- Google Workspace will not be able to access Clemson resources such as meeting rooms. Calendaring for these resources is available only by using Exchange.
For more information, see our online Knowledge Base . If you have questions or need assistance, contact or call the CCIT Customer Support Center at 864-656-3494.
Listservs at Clemson
Customized electronic mail lists can be used to distribute e-mail to a group of people. Lists can be created and used to reach a class section, faculty members in a department, external email addresses, or groups with other selected criteria.
Clemson utilizes two different systems for Listserv management.
The first, and easiest, way to create, modify, and manage a listserv would be to use Central. This list management system is used primarily by students, faculty, and clubs on campus. The Central site can be accessed by visiting ‘’ and logging in with your Clemson user name. Detailed instructions for creating and maintaining your list can be found here.
Sympa is a very powerful application that runs SQL queries against Clemson databases every time an email is sent to the list. This list management system is used primarily by departments that are looking to focus on a particular type of user. E-mail distribution lists will be created for official University use only. Sympa listservs are created for special circumstances and are maintained primarily by CCIT. Most lists should be created in Central. Detailed instructions for requesting a list can be found here.