All recommended models can be purchased through Tiger Tech Shop, Clemson’s Computer Store.
Preferred Laptops by Major
Many departments have indicated a preference for particular laptops for a major course of study. Check our Preferred Laptops by Major list for your major, or talk with your advisor to determine an appropriate laptop for you.
Purchases are available through the Clemson Computer store for Clemson students, faculty, and staff.
Purchasing FAQs
Do I need a laptop?
All undergraduates are required to own a laptop. You may not substitute a desktop computer. MBA students also have a laptop requirement.
What about Tablets?
Chromebooks and iPads are not a viable option as your primary laptop. Support for these devices is extremely limited and consists only of setting up the wireless configuration and installing anti-virus software as required.
I am entering a particular major. Would one laptop be better for me than another?
Please check with your department for specifics. Remember – many students change their major. Check our Preferred Laptops by Major list.
When should I buy a laptop?
We recommend that you order by the end of July to ensure delivery to your home before you leave for Clemson. (If you are trying to time it to be paid for with a financial aid reimbursement, it is okay to wait until the end of July.)
Can I have my laptop delivered to Clemson?
No, the Clemson University Post Office will not accept laptop deliveries. We recommend ordering your laptop by the end of July to ensure delivery to your home before you leave for Clemson.
Can I use scholarship money or financial aid to buy a laptop?
Yes, the cost of the laptop is considered in the financial aid calculation. The cost of a laptop is automatically included in the cost of attendance for all entering freshmen and can be included for upperclassmen and graduate students upon request (a receipt may be required). The cost of attendance is used to determine the maximum amount of financial aid for which a student is eligible. Students who apply for aid (typically private or PLUS loans) in excess of direct costs up to the cost of attendance will receive a refund check for the laptop. Some parents order the laptop in late July or early August, so it will arrive before classes begin – and then pay the credit card bill with the reimbursement check at the end of the month. Contact Financial aid for questions.
Is there a payment plan?
Most vendors offer payment plans. You can call the vendor or visit their web page for information.
I just received my laptop and can’t get past the login screen!
The login screen says user: student and no password or the password “tiger5” without the quotes. Please don’t try to change the user name from the login screen.