Present your work at Clemson’s Supercomputing 20 booth

Ryan Real, Director, CCIT Communications
April 15, 2020

CCIT is pleased to invite faculty, staff, and students to contribute and present their work at Clemson University’s Exhibition Booth at Supercomputing 20, being held this year in Atlanta, Ga., November 15-20. SC is attended by experts in high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis from academia and industry, and by researchers using large-sC20 conference logocale computing to solve problems in various domains in science, engineering, art and humanities. Examples of activities at SC can be found in the previous year’s program at the SC19 website.

The Clemson University Exhibition Booth is an excellent opportunity for our research community to showcase their research activities and visions involving large-scale computing, big data analytics, and scientific visualization across all areas in science, engineering, and humanities at Clemson University.

Authors of selected presentations will be provided with partial travel support to attend SC20. A submission package includes a summary (in PDF format) describing a presentation/demo to be presented at the Clemson University Exhibition Booth at SC20. It may also include an optional short essay (500 words) in PDF format describing how attending SC20 will benefit their academic and/or professional career. If you are interested, CCIT can also create a short video of your research/presentation to be shown on screens in the Clemson booth throughout SC20.

To submit a presentation/demo, please visit the SC 20 Call for Presentations form and fill out your declaration of interest by May 15, 2020. The description/summary document will need to be uploaded using the same URL by June 30, 2020 to formally complete the application. 

A email address is required to fill out this form. If you have not used your account before, please follow these instructions to access this account.

Acknowledgement: The recipients of this partial travel support award commit to presenting their selected work up to two potential times at Clemson University’s Exhibition Booth and assist in manning the Booth for at least two half-hour periods. They also agree to participate in a post-conference survey and to provide a short essay describing their experience at SC20.

Award Details: Partial funding is available to cover travel and conference registration costs including technical program, workshops and exhibit hall.

If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Denton at or Corey Ferrier at

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