”TigerLost / Stolen Device

Phone on ground with feet walking away
If your computing device (i.e. smart phone, laptop or desktop computer) was lost or stolen, please take the following actions as soon as possible:

Required Information
1. Complete the University’s Missing InfoTech Asset/Device Report Form and submit it to security@clemson.edu
2. File a report with the local law enforcement agency if advised.

If the event occurred on University property, you can contact the Clemson University Police Department at 864-656-0433 or go to the campus Police Station between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday through Friday to report the incident. If the event occurred off campus, please contact the local law enforcement agency who has jurisdiction over the area where the device was lost or stolen.

It is important that you provide as much detail as possible when completing the report form. After the report is submitted, the Office of Information Security (OIS) will assess the potential data loss and contact you with further instructions.

For more information, contact Office of Information Security.