”TigerResearch Data Storage

Policy Title

Research Data Storage Operational Standard & Practice


The purpose of this Research Data Storage Operational Standard and Practice is to outline the purchase, life-cycle maintenance, and end-of-life requirements of mass research data storage devices maintained and operated by the Research Computing and Data (RCD) division within CCIT.


  1. SCOPE

This operational standard and practice applies to all university departments, faculty, staff, and affiliates that purchase or lease mass research data storage devices from RCD.



3.1 General
To ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the University’s research data, each purchaser or lessee of mass research data storage is responsible for the following:

3.1.1 Storage devices for inclusion within storage systems maintained by RCD must include the vendor’s standard hardware warranty (typically four years).”

3.1.2 Initial or extended hardware warranty must be maintained on the mass research data storage device, without interruption, throughout the life-cycle of the storage.

3.1.3 Upon expiration of the vendor’s standard hardware warranty, additional hardware warranty must be purchased, or the storage immediately retired from service.

3.1.4 There are no exceptions to the requirements in this section.


3.2 Data

3.2.1 All Data residing on mass research data storage devices shall follow the University’s Data Classification Standards, and must be appropriately safeguarded in accordance with the University’s Minimum IT Security Standards.

3.2.2 All owners and custodians of mass research data storage devices shall comply with the University’s Minimum IT Security Standards, Account and Password Management Policy, and IT Incident Reporting Procedure.

3.3 Disciplinary Sanctions

The University will impose disciplinary sanctions on Users who violate this operational standard and practice. The severity of the imposed sanctions will be appropriate to the violation and/or any prior discipline issued.


    “Mass research data storage device” means magnetic, optical or mechanical media that records and preserves digital information for ongoing or future research.  These devices are installed within RAID storage systems to increase performance and fault tolerance.  As such, individual devices may not be removed from the storage system without compromising system integrity.



5.1 Account and Password Management Policy

5.2 Data Classification Policy

5.3 Glossary of Information Security Terms

5.4 Information Security Policy

5.5 IT Incident Reporting Procedure

5.6 Minimum IT Security Standards

5.7 Procedure for purchase of mass storage e.g., contract


    2808 – Office of Information Security, security@clemson.edu



7.1 Vice President and CIO Approval: 02/14/2023

7.2 Last Date of Revision:  n/a

7.3 Originally Issued: 02/14/2023