Retirees and Emeritus

In accordance with Clemson University’s Username and Password Policy, on the day of retirement/termination, your Clemson Username will be deactivated. This means your access to Clemson employee resources will no longer be available.

IT Support

Retirees and Emeritus faculty receive primary IT support from the CCIT Support Center. Support can be requested by phone, email, and live chat by selecting from the options under Get Help on the right side of this page. IT services are also available in person at the Help Desk located on the second floor of Cooper Library. Hours of operation are located here.

Account Extensions

Upon request from your former dean or department head, it is possible to extend access to your account after separation from Clemson University. Retired faculty who are part of the Emeritus College are eligible to have their account extended indefinitely while all other retired or separated employee accounts can be extended for up to a year. Requests can be made by emailing or calling the CCIT Service Desk at (864) 656-3494. The request should include retiree status, if applicable, and how long the extension should last. Due to security policy, this request must come from the dean or department head.

Once this request is processed you will be able to access your account as you had when your were employed. In order to avoid an interruption of your access, a dean or department head can place a request before your retirement/separation date to ensure access continuity.

Email Options

As a retiree or member of the Emeritus college, you may want to adjust your email settings to continue receiving email sent to your address, whether or not your username account is disabled. Email can be configured at CCIT’s Email Control Panel.  At the email control panel, you can make sure email directed to your is forwarded to any email address you wish. Note: you must have an active username to access the email control panel.

When you navigate to the Email Control Panel, you may enter forwarding addresses at the bottom of the page. Once added any email sent to your address will be forwarded to all addresses you add here.



Emeritus faculty are covered by some but not all of our software licenses. To learn more about the software emeriti are entitled to under Clemson University’s current software licenses, click here.


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