Software Licenses
Emeritus faculty are not covered under many of our campus licenses but emeriti are entitled to a subset of University software. Currently, installs of any of the software below will have to be performed by IT personnel on campus. For more information on installs email
Acrobat Pro (Adobe)
Adobe Acrobat Pro (Adobe)
Adobe After Affects (Adobe)
Adobe Animate (Adobe)
Adobe Audition (Adobe)
Adobe Bridge (Adobe)
Adobe CC (Adobe)
Adobe Character Animator (Adobe)
Adobe Creative Cloud (Adobe)
Adobe Dimension (Adobe)
Adobe Dreamweaver (Adobe)
Adobe Fuse (Beta) (Adobe)
Adobe Garamond Pro font (Adobe)
Adobe Illustrator (Adobe)
Adobe inCopy (Adobe)
Adobe InDesign (Adobe)
Adobe Lightroom (Adobe)
Adobe Lightroom Classic (Adobe)
Adobe Media Encoder (Adobe)
Adobe Muse (Adobe)
Adobe Photoshop (Adobe)
Adobe Prelude (Adobe)
Adobe Premiere Pro (Adobe)
Adobe Sign (Adobe)
Adobe Spark (Adobe)
Adobe Story Plus (Adobe)
Adobe XD (Adobe)
After Effects (Adobe)
Animate (Adobe)
Audition (Adobe)
Bridge (Adobe)
CC (Adobe)
Character Animator (Adobe)
Cisco Anyconnect VPN Client (Cisco)
Creative Cloud (Adobe)
Dimension (Adobe)
Dreamwaver (Adobe)
eduroam (eduroam-US)
Fuse (Beta) (Adobe)
Garamond Pro font (Adobe)
Illustrator (Adobe)
InCopy (Adobe)
InDesign (Adobe)
JMP (SAS Institute)
Lightroom (Adobe)
Lightroom Classic (Adobe)
Matlab (Lab Version) (Mathworks)
Media Encoder (Adobe)
Muse (Adobe)
Photoshop (Adobe)
Prelude (Adobe)
Premiere Pro (Adobe)
Read and Write Gold (Texthelp)
Sign (Adobe)
Spark (Adobe)
Story Plus (Adobe)
XD (Adobe)