Domain Name Services (DNS)
Quick Start
Available To: Students, Faculty, Staff, Other Special Groups
Cost: No charge.
See Getting Started below.
Domain Name Service (DNS) is a database system that translates a fully qualified domain name that identifies a computer, server, or peripherals, e.g. network printers on the network, e.g., into an IP address e.g.
Networked devices use IP addresses to locate and connect to each other, but IP addresses can be difficult for people to remember. It is much easier to remember the domain name than it is to remember its corresponding IP address (
Key Features
- DNS allows you to connect to another networked devices or remote service by using its user-friendly domain name rather than its numerical IP address. It serves much like a phone book for the network and internet by translating domain names into the IP address that networking equipment needs for delivering information.
- Clemson University maintains DNS servers on the network to handle DNS queries. The DNS server stores a list of all the IP addresses within the CU network, plus a cache of IP addresses recently accessed outside the network.
Getting Started
Faculty and Staff: Please contact your College Consultant or TSP (Technical Support Provider)
Students: Contact the Service Desk on the 2nd floor of Cooper Library.
Quick Start
Available To: Students, Faculty, Staff, Other Special Groups
Cost: No charge.
See Getting Started.