
 Quick Start

Available To:  Students, Faculty, Staff, Guests

Cost:  No charge.

 See Getting Started below.

Clemson’s user wireless network is provided through Eduroam, a Global WiFi Roaming service for Academia. Eduroam allows for anyone with a valid Clemson login to use the Eduroam network here on campus but also at any other Internet2 Net+ institution taking advantage of this service.

Clemson guests can take advantage of the ClemsonGuest network that allows for a temporary login credential to be used during a temporary visit.

Those in Clemson residence halls needing to connect smart devices (televisions, Rokus, etc.) and game consoles need to connect those devices to the ResMediaNet wireless network.

Getting Started

For automatic installers and step-by-step instructions for eduroam and ResMediaNet, please visit clemson.edu/wireless.

For instructions on how to connect to the ClemsonGuest network, please visit our Knowledge Base.

 Quick Start

Available To:  Students, Faculty, Staff, Guests

Cost:  No charge.

 See Getting Started.